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project summary
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Radio transmitter monitoring and control system, for broadcast environments
Regionale Radio Studio
Trison Audio Watchdog, model 5
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Audio monitoring, scheduling and playback system, for broadcast environments
Scheduling Music Player
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Scheduling Music Player with time/date schedule and network update
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
CEL9 is an art project based on the telephone booths that have long been part of the street view
Wijd & Zijd Ontwerpers Stichting Kunstkring Artes Bussum
The Chocolate Challenge
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
A mobile exhibition to illustrate the careers in the field of technical process management
Brandwacht & Meyer, BrandBase
Power and control module for a GPS tracker
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
A module that provides power to a GPS tracker and contains an immobilizer circuit
GlobeSpot Ltd.
Twinkler LED strips
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Sensor controlled LED strips, using Twinklers on a strip
Brandwacht en Meijer
Scheduling Music Player
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Scheduling Music Player with time/date schedule and network update
Transporters in the torso
Photograph or representive picture of the project
The torso visualizes transport proteins in various organs, using RGB LEDs
Brandwacht & Meijer
Information Centre "De Groene Poort"
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Interactive audio and video players, activated by a sensor or a switch and equiped with a remote control
Podium, Brandwacht & Meijer
Mobile exhibition "Backstage"
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
A mobile exhibition to inform and illustrate the careers in theatre business (actor, director, lighting engineer, costume design, etc.)
Brandwacht en Meijer, NorthernLight, Theaterinstituut Nederland
Backup music player
Photograph or representive picture of the project
A scheduling music player, that synchronizes its schedules with a server
Wesley Music
Information Centre for the Amsterdam railway
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Two separate simple objects: a sign with LED illumination and a set of four solid state audio players triggered by magnetic switches
Shell Expo.
Photograph or representive picture of the project
DMX-512 controlled LED strips and spots (using RGB power LEDs)
Brandwacht en Meijer
Information centre Amsterdam North/South subway
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Programmable full-colour LED indicators showing the route and current status of the metro line being constructed in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Museum on the flood disaster
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Programmable LED indicators for information centra and tourist attractions in the flood disaster area, The Netherlands
PBW Consortium
Project table "De Hoeksche Waard"
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Programmable LED indicators for tourist attractions near De Hoeksche Waard, The Netherlands
Brandwacht & Meijer
Railway museum
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Audio-visual effects in or near railway material, in the railway museum in Utrecht, The Netherlands
Brandwacht & Meijer
Project table "Hart van de Heuvelrug"
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Programmable LED indicators for project status in Hart van de Heuvelrug, The Netherlands
Brandwacht en Meijer
Pilote Echo Radar
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Database for course-assignments and simulation trainings for pilots
Precept Media (France)
DDJ Radio
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
DDJ Radio: music player with streaming audio and fall-back to local music
DDJ Music B.V.
Pawn for Pleo
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Adaption of the pawn programming language for the Pleo robot
UGOBE Life Forms, now Innvo Labs
Scheduling Music Player
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Scheduling Music Player with time/date schedule
Scale model "Maeslantkering"
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Control subsystem for the scale model Maeslantkering, The Netherlands
Podium, Keringhuis
TU Delft / Civiele Techniek
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
A quiz with ores, light spots and switches; a book with electronic page turner; a console with a trackball
Podium, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands
(Rain) water closed circuit
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Multi-coloured 10mm LEDs with a programmable controller
Delfluent Harnaschpolder (information centre)
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Audio presentations and an illuminated map (LEDs) illustrating waste water treatment
Podium, Delfluent (information centre)
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Video console with a camera and telephone handset, with a wireless link to one or more display units
De Beuk Organisatieadvies
"Water level" console
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Controlled water level demo with pump, sensor, displays, etc. for Intree Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Brandwacht & Meijer
Video-kiosk "Fijn Stof"
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
A video console that records (and plays back) videos from visitors for an opinion survey
Podium, Rijkswaterstaat (information centre "Mobilion"), The Netherlands
Locatieoverzicht wereldkaart (world map)
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Presentation of over 100 locations with light spots via fibre optics, and an additional TFT display
Verhoef Aluminium Scheepsbouw B.V. Aalsmeerderbrug
"Touch & listen"
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
A sensor, hidden behind a poster, detects the proximity (or touch) of a hand and starts playing an audio message
Additive (Portugal)
Papegaai (parot) Theme park object that repeats words spoken to it
Recreatiepark Duinrell, Wassenaar
Marlboro Bandenwisselspel (tire change game)
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Action game: change a tire as quickly as possible in a 'pit stop'
Brandwacht & Meijer, Utrecht (i.o.v. Marlboro)
King versie 5.40 boekhoudsoftware Installation of the recent version, including several options for conversion of existing data and a short introductory course
Ideas for Brands, Amsterdam
MySQL databaseconversie Conversion of a Microsoft Access database to MySQL and adaption of the application (AMP-PPI), including many queries
Ravanta Beheer B.V., Den Helder
King versie 4 database-conversie Conversion and repair of an old financial database to a more recent version; application of standard import and export facilities
De Vertellers, Hilversum
Entrée alarm Design and installation of a welcoming message on entry of a building
Connexion (locatie SEAT), Amersfoort
pawn-MSP430 Port of the pawn scripting language to the MSP430 microcontroller series running on the µC/OS RTOS
Kirsen Technologies Corp. CA, U.S.A.
World map with fibre optics
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Indication of office locations on a world map
HOMIJ / Clifford Chance, Amsterdam
Plate-forme EAO Student management system (for applications of CBT) on Internet that complies to the AICC standard
Precept Media (France)
Waterkaart en Waterpiano
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Light effects on a map (water ways) and a piano where the keys simulate menu choices
Rijkswaterstaat ("'t Keringhuis", Hoek van Holland)
MP3 Player H0410
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Delivery of an MP3 player with custom firmware, for mounting into scale models
HSL Cockpit Information kiosk on the HSL and a simulation of the HSL cockpit
Podium, Rijkswaterstaat ("City Centre", Rotterdam, "Mobilion", Utrecht)
HSL Exhibit
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Exhibit centre HSL: noise level (of vehicles) comparison demo
Podium, Rijkswaterstaat
Exhibit "De Hoep"
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Exhibit centre of PWN in Castricum, Holland with diverse objects (a.o. 'slot machine', 'water dispenser', 'speaking doorbells', light show, etc.)
Mobilion Exhibit
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Exhibit centre for road traffic in Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Podium, Rijkswaterstaat
Balgstuw (information centre)
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Information Centre Balgstuw in Kampen (The Netherlands)
Podium, Rijkswaterstaat
Stand Rijn & IJssel Exhibit Rijn & IJssel in Veldhoek (The Netherlands)
Podium, Waterschap
Remote Sensor Dimmer Optical switch system (proximity and motion sensor)
MS Design, België/Belgique
Tachograph Emulator
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Emulator of the digital tachograph (by ACTIA) on a desktop PC with Microsoft Windows
Precept Media (France), ACTIA (France)
Diagnoser/Prognoser Program for statistical tests and analysis
EPEC Pty Ltd. Australia
EGO Didax Run-time Manager for EGO Windows
Precept Media (France)
King voor Windows XL Accounting, administrating invoices, orders and stock
VEM Metallurgie, Nieuwegein
North-South Subway line
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Information Centre Amsterdam CS (Metro).
Podium, Gemeente Amsterdam
OD Toolkit Personnel Information Base for employee management in former Yougoslavia
Maatschap Pauka/De Groot, Admira
EGO-WEGOGRAF Graphic driver extension with "screen wipes" and video clip control in EGO
Precept Media (France)
Linux Server netwerk Implementation of a Linux Server controlling 5 Microsoft Windows workstations + VMS II cash registers
Swart Techniek, Oosterwolde
Motion sensor dimmer Optical switch to gradually dim a light source by waving your hand above
fa. Talebi (België)
PLP Audit Audit program "Personal Management Profile
Maatschap Pauka/De Groot, Min. v. Binnenlandse Zaken
Flash Low level single frame screen flash to control computer game peripherals
R0R3 (USA)
M/V Sportmeter Inquiry program to measure the diversity of Sports Association Boards
De Beuk Organisatieadvies, NISB
Interactieve Wereld World map with location selection via console and LED-lights, as well as video clips on a TFT display
Haijkers Interieurprojecten
Vitrinebelichting Showcase illumination via fibre optics from central projection
Brandwacht & Meijer, Centraal Museum Utrecht
KePER Plato and the Calculation Mirror in a client-server architecture
SLO, Zwijsen Uitgeverij
Showcase illumination
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Showcase illumination via fibre optics from central projection
Brandwacht & Meijer, Dierenpark Emmen, The Netherlands
AMP-PPI Personnel database for seafaring employees
Ravanta, Den Helder
Tunnelbuizen IC Westerscheldetunnel
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
Effect lighting inside a maquette for the tunnel that is being constructed, indicating the progess of construction (The Netherlands)
Quadat Ontwerpers
Probabilistic Quasar Statistical prognosis about the thickness of earth layers
Licosoft, Shell Nederland N.V.
Euro afrekenen Cashier training program
Podium, NFE
IC Holland Railconsult Simulation using joysticks and buttons to choose a camera
Podium, Utrecht
WavePlay TTS Speach synthesis in WavePlay
MarvelSoft Enterprises, Inc. (Canada)
EGO Windows - ActiveX container Facility in EGO Elève to generally support ActiveX elements
Precept Media (France)
EGO Windows - ODBC ODBC interface for EGO Windows - Elève
Précept Media (France)
WavePlay Audio driver program (DLL) using ADPCM compressie
MarvelSoft Enterprises, Inc. (Canada)
SKOL Audit Audit program Municipal complaints
Maatschap Pauka/De Groot
"Micro switch" circuit Scheme design to switch by hand the direction of a motor rotation
Mr. S. Talebi, Bussum
Audit Politieke Partijen Audit program to measure the diversity of Political Parties
De Beuk Organisatieadvies / CDA, D66, GroenLinks, PvdA, VVD
Calamiteitenregistratie Database to register calamities at school
APS (Algemeen Pedagogisch Studiecentrum)
Scholingswijzer Education database voor teachers
APS (Algemeen Pedagogisch Studiecentrum)
Informatiecentrum ROM Rijnmond Game program with video clips
Podium Rotterdam / EIC
Gender & Diversity Audit Audit program to measure personnel relations
De Beuk Organisatieadvies / NOVIB
Audit Framework Audit frame work program
De Beuk Organisatieadvies / Espiral
Informatiecentrum HSL Prinsenbeek: "Europa Dichterbij" Demonstration panel of European routes HSL
Informatiecentrum Westerschelde: "Zeeland Belicht" Demonstration panel of the map of main roads in Zeeland
Podium, Rijkswaterstaat
Rijkswaterstaat 2000 Demonstration map Keringhuis Nieuwe Waterweg
Podium, Rijkswaterstaat
EGO "Assistant" Graphical interface for EGO-Auteur
PlugIn MultiMedia, Précept Media
Botox® Scan + presentation van medical articles
MHC (Medical Health Services)
Contractbeheer Database Stock management
Adviesbureau Effectief
Personeelsbeheer Database personnel management
AMP (Adviesbureau Maritiem Personeel)
TACACS TACACS Internet protocol
PMIVC Version control (for source code) and project control
3P Informatique
Garantieplan Insurance database
Meijers Assurantiën
Energy Supermarket
Photograph or representive picture of the project Photograph or representive picture of the project
An educational game to raise the awareness of 'energy waste'
Podium, VROM
DMPROS DMPros "persistent database" for Prolog
Veilige School II Veilige School extension
Go Infra Loopbaanpad (game program)
Tolerantietest Tolerance test
VKS Wizard II Proposal Wizard
Nederland Haarlem
Produktie database Offerte/Addres database
DIVA International Diversity Audit Personnel relations
De Beuk Organisatieadvies
Photograph or representive picture of the project
Demonstration Keringhuis Nieuwe Waterweg
Veilige School Scholingswijzer + Calamiteitenwaaier
Plato en de rekenspiegel Courseware (Calculation Method for primary school)
Zwijsen Uitgeverij / SLO
SMA - disk School Management Audit
De Beuk Organisatieadvies / OW&C
Project database Project control system
Nederland Haarlem
VKS Wizard Proposal Wizard
Nederland Haarlem
WOR disk WOR-disk
De Beuk Organisatieadvies / Samsom
Studie Enquête Study and financing enquête
Photograph or representive picture of the project
SIC/NOMOS noise registration around Schiphol airport
DST/Luchthaven Schiphol
NAM Gas exploration game
DIS/Telewerken Digital document management
Kantoor van de Toekomst
PASO Positive Action Disk (local) Authorities (Information Management)
De Beuk Organisatieadvies / Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken
CHA APK-toets database
E.S.I./ Innovam
RPT APK-prakticum database
E.S.I / Innovam
NOT enquete NOT Survey
ESIS-A / ESIS-B Demo of the ESIS-A & ESIS-B systems
EGO EGO Authoring system
3P Informatique
Telewerken Distance working at home PC
Huis/Kantoor van de Toekomst
OR manager OR manager
De Beuk Organisatieadvies / SDU
Packspel Environment game
Rekenblad Calculation Method program for primary school pupils + teacher module)